PACHMAYR DIAMOND PRO GRIP SERIES •Revolver grips •Designed to fill the hand comfortably w/a natural feel & point •Unique shape is covered with “Diamond Plate” texture •Made using specially blended rubber compounds formulated to give long ...
PACHMAYR DIAMOND PRO GRIP SERIES •Revolver grips •Designed to fill the hand comfortably w/a natural feel & point •Unique shape is covered with “Diamond Plate” texture •Made using specially blended rubber compounds formulated to give long ...
MISSION FIRST TACTICAL ENGAGE PISTOL GRIP V2 - SCORCHED DARK EARTH•Pistol grip designed for M16/M4/AR15/HK416 •Covers receiver gaps that cause discomfort during sustained usage •15 degree angle improves comfort & control •Texture provides a positive grip surface w/wet or gloved hands. ...
MISSION FIRST TACTICAL ENGAGE PISTOL GRIP V2 - SCORCHED DARK EARTH•Pistol grip designed for M16/M4/AR15/HK416 •Covers receiver gaps that cause discomfort during sustained usage •15 degree angle improves comfort & control •Texture provides a positive grip surface w/wet or gloved hands. ...
TACTICAL GRIP GLOVES™•Flexible ultra-soft rubber technology •"Stretch to fit" Grip Gloves™ are custom molded for each top selling pistol •Ideal for the popular polymer frame handguns which have no replacement grips available •Decelerator® material delivers proven ...
TACTICAL GRIP GLOVES™•Flexible ultra-soft rubber technology •"Stretch to fit" Grip Gloves™ are custom molded for each top selling pistol •Ideal for the popular polymer frame handguns which have no replacement grips available •Decelerator® material delivers proven ...
PACHMAYR® DIAMOND PRO GRIP SERIES•Diamond Plate textured 1-pc soft black rubber grip naturally fills the hand for stability & control •Replaces standard factory grips by easily slipping over & fully wrapping around the grip frame without gaps or seams •Proprietary ...
PACHMAYR® DIAMOND PRO GRIP SERIES•Diamond Plate textured 1-pc soft black rubber grip naturally fills the hand for stability & control •Replaces standard factory grips by easily slipping over & fully wrapping around the grip frame without gaps or seams •Proprietary ...